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Monday, December 11, 2017


Answer the following three questions on a piece of loose leaf paper or inside of your math spiral.  Make sure to show all of your thinking.  DUE TOMORROW!

1) GCF or LCM: Kathleen has two pieces of thread, one 12 feet long and the other 18 feet long. For a sewing project, she needs to cut them up to produce many pieces of thread that are all of the same length, with no thread left over. What is the greatest length, in feet, that she can make them?

2)  Area:  Find the area of the following two polygons (shapes).

3)  Fraction Operations: Ella's bird feeder holds 3 and 1/2  cups of birdseed. Ella is filling the bird feeder with a scoop that holds 3/5 of a cup. How many scoops of birdseed will Ella put into the feeder?

Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number

Extension/Optional:  Click the link "Extension"  below and you will connected to a website where you can select one of eight different math games.  Simply click the game that you would like to play, grade level, and skill that you would like to work on.


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