It is very important to be able to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers. Many times when we add, subtract, multiply, or divide fractional numbers our final answer often ends up being an improper fraction. It is our job to understand the process of converting these numbers into an appropriate format. Here is how you do it!
It is also important to know how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions. In order to multiply and divide mixed numbers you must be able to due this. I call this process "THE CIRCLE OF TRUST." This is how you do it!
Multiplying and dividing fractions is time consuming and can exhaust too much energy on thinking what is the right answer. If practicing how to multiply or add fractions, it is better to do it manually but when you are in an actual situation that you are doing arithmetic operation, it is better to use a fraction calculator. Using fraction calculator not bad and it is a good strategy to save your time and physical strength plus you can be sure that you got the correct answer.
Multiplying and dividing fractions is time consuming and can exhaust too much energy on thinking what is the right answer. If practicing how to multiply or add fractions, it is better to do it manually but when you are in an actual situation that you are doing arithmetic operation, it is better to use a fraction calculator. Using fraction calculator not bad and it is a good strategy to save your time and physical strength plus you can be sure that you got the correct answer.