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Monday, September 25, 2017


1) (6th Grade Standard) Sanjay's Sweets sells donuts in packages of 8. Across town, Shelby Pastries sells donuts in packages of 12. If Mason wants to buy the same number of donuts from each bakery for a taste test, what is the smallest number of donuts he will have to buy from each?
2)  (6th Grade Standard) Use PEMDAS to solve the following expression.

 3) (5th Grade Standard) Use the image below to create three numbers that are in exponential form.  The, for each of the numbers you created, re-write them all in expanded form and standard form. 
Image result for exponents foldable

Challenge (Optional):  Ella is learning to drive, so this weekend she practiced driving 1 5/6 miles with her mother and another 2 11/12 miles with her father. How far did Ella drive in all?

Simplify your answer and write it as a whole or mixed number.           

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